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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1663
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7080
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 3،
issue Number 97
Investigating social realism in some Shahnameh stories
Shima Aadi , Manouchehr Akbari (Author in Charge)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Reality is what we experience in our daily life, which can include personal or social issues. Social realism in ancient works can affect us in today"s life by the rituals and customs of the past. Therefore, in this research, by examining the social realism that has been carried out in the stories of the Shahnameh, we will achieve this important goal, which links the author of the Shahnameh, Ferdowsi, established between myths and reality, because on the surface, the cause of the events and actions is supernatural and unreal. It is said that while most of the narratives of the Shahnameh are based on the facts of life, the author in this research also examined the social events from the perspective of social, religious, political and cultural life in the Shahnameh.
METHODOLOGY: The present research is a theoretical study that was conducted as a library research. The main scope and society of the study was Ferdowsi"s Shahnameh, works and websites related to the research contents, after studying these works, the analysis and comments of the authors were included.
FINDINGS: In this research, we find that the foundation of most literary works is based on the reality of life, and the connection and similarity of the real manifestations contained in the Shahnameh corresponds to the social reality of our lives. Although the most artistic part of the Shahnameh is the mention of superhuman adventures, and apparently, at first glance, it does not fit with the reality and logic of our human life.
CONCLUSION: It is hard to believe the acceptance of many stories of the Shahnameh in concrete human life. Although Ferdowsi"s Shahnameh has a mythical and unreal appearance; But in its heart it has preserved the roots of reality. It can be said that the Shahnameh is based on the facts of life, and not only the facts of the life of the Iranian community, but the facts of human life.
, myth
, social reality
, epic
, legend
, realism.
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